select ansupstmp, nickname, quesnum, sex, age, agegroup, subjectce, anninc, indusclas, occupaname, userattrib, ecat.catename as e_catename, builddv, schooldv, schoolsp, conameopen from queslist inner join category as ecat on indusclas = ecat.cateid where agegroup in ('#agerange#') and conameopen in ('1') builddv in ('1','2','3','4') and schooldv in ('4') and schoolsp in ('1','2','3') and conameopen in ('1') builddv in ('1','2','3','4') and schooldv in ('3') and schoolsp in ('1','2','3') and conameopen in ('1') builddv in ('1','2') and schooldv in ('2') and schoolsp in ('1') and conameopen in ('1') builddv in ('1','2') and schooldv in ('1') and schoolsp in ('1') and conameopen in ('1') builddv in ('3') and schooldv in ('2') and schoolsp in ('1') and conameopen in ('1') builddv in ('3') and schooldv in ('1') and schoolsp in ('1') and conameopen in ('1') builddv in ('1','2') and schooldv in ('2') and schoolsp in ('2') and conameopen in ('1') builddv in ('1','2') and schooldv in ('1') and schoolsp in ('2') and conameopen in ('1') builddv in ('3') and schooldv in ('2') and schoolsp in ('2') and conameopen in ('1') when builddv in ('3') and schooldv in ('1') and schoolsp in ('2') and conameopen in ('1') builddv in ('4') and schooldv in ('2') and schoolsp in ('1','2','3') and conameopen in ('1') builddv in ('4') and schooldv in ('1') and schoolsp in ('1','2','3') and conameopen in ('1') we_empnum = '01' and conameopen in ('1') we_empnum = '02' and conameopen in ('1') we_empnum = '03' and conameopen in ('1') we_empnum = '04' and conameopen in ('1') we_empnum = '05' and conameopen in ('1') we_empnum = '06' and conameopen in ('1') we_empnum = '07' and conameopen in ('1') we_empnum = '08' and conameopen in ('1') we_empnum = '09' and conameopen in ('1') we_empnum = '10' and conameopen in ('1') we_empnum = '11' and conameopen in ('1') we_capital = '2' and conameopen in ('1') we_capital = '1' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '01' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '02' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '03' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '04' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '05' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '06' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '07' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '08' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '09' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '10' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '11' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '12' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '13' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '14' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '15' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '16' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '17' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '18' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '19' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '20' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '21' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '22' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '23' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '24' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '25' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '26' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '27' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '28' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '29' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '30' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '31' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '32' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '33' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '34' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '35' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '36' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '37' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '38' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '39' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '40' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '41' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '42' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '43' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '44' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '45' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '46' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '47' and conameopen in ('1') pref = '99' and conameopen in ('1') and occupacate = ('1') and openflag = 'Y' order by ansupstmp desc

営業の年収ぶっちゃけTHE レポート!

<cfif listtype EQ 0>新着!営業レポート【INDEX】<cfelse>営業レポート一覧</cfif>

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#nickname# #arrJaSEX[sex][2]# #subjectce#年度・
#numberformat(Left(numberformat(anninc,"00000000"),4),"9")#億#numberformat(Mid(numberformat(anninc,"00000000"),5,4),"9")#万円 #e_catename#
> #occupaname#