when builddv in ('1','2','3','4') and schooldv in ('4') and schoolsp in ('1','2','3') then '1' when builddv in ('1','2','3','4') and schooldv in ('3') and schoolsp in ('1','2','3') then '2' when builddv in ('1','2') and schooldv in ('2') and schoolsp in ('1') then '3' when builddv in ('1','2') and schooldv in ('1') and schoolsp in ('1') then '4' when builddv in ('3') and schooldv in ('2') and schoolsp in ('1') then '6' when builddv in ('3') and schooldv in ('1') and schoolsp in ('1') then '7' when builddv in ('1','2') and schooldv in ('2') and schoolsp in ('2') then '9' when builddv in ('1','2') and schooldv in ('1') and schoolsp in ('2') then '10' when builddv in ('3') and schooldv in ('2') and schoolsp in ('2') then '12' when builddv in ('3') and schooldv in ('1') and schoolsp in ('2') then '13' when builddv in ('4') and schooldv in ('2') and schoolsp in ('1','2','3') then '15' when builddv in ('4') and schooldv in ('1') and schoolsp in ('1','2','3') then '16' else '18' end as schooltype from queslist where (schooldv = '4' and schoolsp in ('1','2')) or (schooldv = '3' and schoolsp in ('1','2')) or (builddv in ('1','2') and schooldv in ('1','2') and schoolsp = '1') or (builddv = '3' and schooldv in ('1','2') and schoolsp = '1') or (builddv in ('1','2') and schooldv in ('1','2') and schoolsp = '2') or (builddv = '3' and schooldv in ('1','2') and schoolsp = '2') or (builddv = '4' and schooldv in ('1','2') and schoolsp in ('1','2')) group by schooltype order by avg_anninc desc ---> select age ,agegroup ,sex ,pref ,builddv ,schooldv ,schoolsp ,anninc ,anntur ,we_ipo ,we_capital ,occupacate ,occupaname ,post ,regperiod ,jobchcnt ,we_empform ,jobname ,jcat.catename as j_catename ,ecat.catename as e_catename ,userid ,nickname ,userattrib ,quesnum from queslist as ql left outer join jbn_job as jjob on we_job = jobid left outer join jbn_cate as jcat on we_cat = jcat.cateid left outer join category as ecat on indusclas = ecat.cateid where builddv in ('1','2','3','4') and schooldv in ('4') and schoolsp in ('1','2','3') where builddv in ('1','2','3','4') and schooldv in ('3') and schoolsp in ('1','2','3') where builddv in ('1','2') and schooldv in ('1','2') and schoolsp in ('1') where builddv in ('3') and schooldv in ('1','2') and schoolsp in ('1') where builddv in ('1','2') and schooldv in ('1','2') and schoolsp in ('2') where builddv in ('3') and schooldv in ('1','2') and schoolsp in ('2') where builddv in ('4') and schooldv in ('1','2') and schoolsp in ('1','2','3') and (occupacate = '1' or userattrib = 'J') and (openflag = 'Y' or userattrib = 'J') order by anninc desc

営業の年収ぶっちゃけTHE レポート!

  • 各種年収ランキング
  • 新着!営業レポート

02 学歴・文理別×年収ランキング


※平均年収は3ヶ月毎に更新。このデータは #replace(update,' ','','all')#に集計しました。


select count(*) as cnt from queslist where openflag = 'Y' and (builddv in ('1','2','3','4') and schooldv in ('4') and schoolsp in ('1','2','3')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('1','2','3','4') and schooldv in ('3') and schoolsp in ('1','2','3')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('1','2') and schooldv in ('2') and schoolsp in ('1')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('1','2') and schooldv in ('1') and schoolsp in ('1')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('3') and schooldv in ('2') and schoolsp in ('1')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('3') and schooldv in ('1') and schoolsp in ('1')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('1','2') and schooldv in ('2') and schoolsp in ('2')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('1','2') and schooldv in ('1') and schoolsp in ('2')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('3') and schooldv in ('2') and schoolsp in ('2')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('3') and schooldv in ('1') and schoolsp in ('2')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('4') and schooldv in ('2') and schoolsp in ('1','2','3')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('4') and schooldv in ('1') and schoolsp in ('1','2','3')) and occupacate = '1' and occupacate = '1' select count(*) as cnt from queslist where conameopen = '1' and (builddv in ('1','2','3','4') and schooldv in ('4') and schoolsp in ('1','2','3')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('1','2','3','4') and schooldv in ('3') and schoolsp in ('1','2','3')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('1','2') and schooldv in ('2') and schoolsp in ('1')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('1','2') and schooldv in ('1') and schoolsp in ('1')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('3') and schooldv in ('2') and schoolsp in ('1')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('3') and schooldv in ('1') and schoolsp in ('1')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('1','2') and schooldv in ('2') and schoolsp in ('2')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('1','2') and schooldv in ('1') and schoolsp in ('2')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('3') and schooldv in ('2') and schoolsp in ('2')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('3') and schooldv in ('1') and schoolsp in ('2')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('4') and schooldv in ('2') and schoolsp in ('1','2','3')) and occupacate = '1' (builddv in ('4') and schooldv in ('1') and schoolsp in ('1','2','3')) and occupacate = '1' and occupacate = '1' and openflag = 'Y' '&openflag.cnt&''> '&conameopen.cnt&''>
順位 学歴区分 平均年収 営業レポート投稿数 データ総数


各年代別 学歴・文理別 従業員規模別 国内資本 vs 外資 在住エリア別 職種カテゴリ別